Thank you for your participation! Enrollment is now closed for this round of the study.
We are actively working on distributing incentives to those that have completed the enrollment and contact diary survey. You should receive it in the next few weeks!
Researchers from Emory University and Yale University invite you to voluntarily participate in a study funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The study aims to learn more about social contacts in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Social contacts are interactions such as face-to-face conversations or involve physically touching another person. The information from these diaries is important to understand your social contact patterns in the workplace or while teleworking and will guide us to design interventions against influenza and emerging respiratory diseases such as COVID-19. Everyone in Accenture is invited to participate by completing an online social contact diary starting the week of December 29th.
In order to participate, we would like you to record your social contacts occurring over two continuous work days in an electronic diary. We are requesting for details of who you meet, where, how much time you spend with them, and other characteristics that are important to disease transmission. You will be asked to record your interactions with others at the end of the second day. The diary will take you approximately 10-20 minutes to complete, depending on how many social contacts you had throughout the two days.
In case you want to keep a record of your contacts throughout the day, please download a copy of the “memory aid” available on the link below: