Have you already been infected with RFF? If so, you don't need to do anything else.
Please complete the following steps:
1) Read all the instructions (1 to 6) on this sheet of paper.
If you run into any problems or have questions, please contact Dr. Lopman at
2) CLICK HERE to find out how many people you infect
Please wait one moment for your data to be generated, then WRITE DOWN THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION:
whether you became symptomatic.
how soon did you became symptomatic after exposure (skip if not symptomatic)
how many people you will infect
when you infect them
when you felt better
3) Now, print out the number of infection notifications you need to hand out (i.e., the number in step 3c).
Pro-tip, you can cut this sheet in 1/2. Or, you can get hard copies from the folder outside Dr. Lopman’s office (CNR 2041).
You may also email people to let them know that they have been infected - just email them a link to this page.
4) Wait for the time period instructed on step 2, then hand each infection notification or email a link to student(s) in
EPI 569 (Concepts and methods in ID Epi; Tues 9am-11:50am; RRR L40)
GH/EPI 517 (Case Studies in Infectious Disease; Fri 3pm-4:50pm CNR auditorium)
A few notes:
ONLY hand the sheet to people participating in the outbreak exercise: EPI 569 or 517 students
Hand out all of your infection notifications within 72 hours of having received your own infection.
Discretion is essential. When you hand people an infection notification, fold it so other people cannot see what is written on it.
You can infect a participant by giving them the paper form or via email.
You will not know who has already been infected. That’s OK. Don’t ask them!
5) Keep a note, like In the table below, of the names of the people to whom you hand the infection notification(s) and the date and time that you hand them the notification:
Name Date (mm/dd/yy) Time (hr AM/PM)
____________________ __________________ ________
____________________ __________________ ________
____________________ __________________ ________
____________________ __________________ ________
____________________ __________________ ________